Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Morgan Taylor "Sapphires, Rubies, and Emeralds Oh My" Review and Swatches

2 coats of Morgan Taylor Sapphires, Rubies, Emeralds Oh My

The polish we'll be looking at today is Morgan Taylor Sapphires, Rubies, and Emeralds Oh My. This polish is made up of purple, silver, and blue microglitter in a sheer dark purple base. It turns out this polish is prettier in the bottle. The polish is very lumpy, though still not to difficult to apply. I used two coats, as one coat still allowed some nail to show. Without top coat the polish felt very bumpy and uncomfortable on my nail. One coat of Seche Vite helped smooth out the polish a lot but two coats gave it a much smoother feel and look. All of the glitter shines individually in the bottle but when you put it onto your nails, it all seems to glob together. You don't get a lot of shine from this polish. With all of the glitter in this polish, I expected a lot of shine but I was disappointed. I would not recommend purchasing this polish.

2 coats of Morgan Taylor under 1 coat of Seche Vite

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Giver Collection by China Glaze- New Birth, History of the World and The Outer Edge Review and Swatches

Today I have three polishes from The Giver Collection by China Glaze to share with you! I will review New Birth, History of the World, and The Outer Edge in this post. I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in History of the World and New Birth. They are both cremes and both have less than perfect formulas.The Outer Edge is good as a glitter topper, but is nothing special. Let's get started! 

New Birth

2 coats of History of the World under 1 coat of Seche Vite

China Glaze History of the World is gorgeous deep purple creme that sometimes looks blue. This polish makes me want to drink a grape soda. As much as I love the color, I was sorely disappointed by the formula. My bottle is very thick. The polish was stringy by the time I finished painting one nail. I hope this is just a fluke with my bottle and they are not all like this. It made the polish difficult to use. Coverage was achieved in 2 coats. The wonderful color may not be worth the difficulty of applying the polish. History of the World has a long drying time, even when using Seche Vite.

Pictured here with one coat of The Outer Edge as a topper

New Birth

3 coats of New Birth under 1 coat of Seche Vite

China Glaze New Birth is a very pale blue creme. This is a clean, pretty color that would be perfect as as "something blue" mani for a wedding. Unfortunately, the formula leaves much to be desired. I needed 3 coats to achieve the coverage I wanted. New Birth doesn't try very well. I had to do this mani twice because of damage to the polish at least a half hour after I finished polishing. The formula of New Birth is comparable to the formula of Sinful Colors Sugar Rush. I expect better from China Glaze.

New Birth with 1 coat of The Outer Edge as a topper

The Outer Edge

The Outer Edge consists of small white and some holo glitter in a clear base. This polish has the best formula of the three polishes. It applies evenly and smoothly. Removal was very easy. The index finger has two coats while the other 3 fingers have one coat. One coat provided plenty of glitter coverage. This polish makes me think of snow.

Overall, unless you can't live without these colors, I would not recommend purchasing them. History of the World and New Birth have disappointing formulas, while The Outer Edge is different but is not a must buy. 

Did you have trouble with these polishes?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Conjured Polish "The Bioshock Collection"

The Bioshock Collection

Hello everyone! I am very excited for the polishes I have to show you today! The wonderful maker of Conjured Polish recently sent me 6 new polishes that form the upcoming Bioshock Collection! For those who don't know, Bioshock is a horror themed first person shooter video game made by 2K games. The tentative release date is September 8th, and trust me, that date cannot come fast enough! 

I have two confessions to make before we start, 1. I have never played any of the Bioshock games and 2. These polishes make me really want to play the games. Luckily, the owner and creator of Conjured Polish, Amanda, has provided me with a small amount of background info for each polish. Now, onto the polish!

Big Daddy 

2 coats of Big Daddy in its normal state. 

This is Big Daddy, a thermal color changing polish with a slight shimmer that for me went from a very light lime green to a beautiful hunter green when wet/cold. Application of this polish is smooth and easy, with a formula reminiscent of a jelly polish.

2 coats of Big Daddy under 1 coat of Seche Vite after being in cold water. 

The color changed from dark green back to light green very quickly after being removed from the cold water. I love getting light and dark green from one polish. This polish is named for a main character in Bioshock 1 and 2.


One coat of Booker and 1 coat of Seche Vite 
Booker is a beautiful metallic burgundy/maroon polish. The formula applied evenly and smoothly. My favorite thing about this polish is that it only took 1 coat for full coverage. I add a second coat of every polish, except this one! It was amazing! I love this polish, it is a gorgeous color and can be done in one quick, smooth coat! Perfect for a busy mom like me!

Booker changes color slightly at different angles.
Booker is inspired by a character in Bioshock Infinite.


2 coats of Songbird under 1 coat of Seche Vite

Songbird consists of green, orange, and red holo glitter in a black jelly base. This polish is beautiful. It gives off a dark Christmas kind of vibe and I love it.This polish is very easy to apply. I didn't have to fish around the bottle for glitter or use the dab and place method. All of the glitter is very evenly distributed through out the polish. I used 2 coats of Songbird when it was by itself and then only used 1 coat to put it over a black base.

1 coat of Songbird over 1 coat of Sally Hansen Black out. Applied 1 coat of Seche Vite
Songbird is also inspired by a character from Bioshock Infinite, who is definitely not related to Christmas!

Little Sister

Index finger- 1 coat, Middle finger- 2 coats, last 2 fingers-2 coats over WnW French White Creme with 1 coat Seche Vite over all fingers.
Little Sister is various purple glitter in a white crelly base. I kept this polish upside to help distribute the glitter before using. The formula of the crelly base is perfect. I did have to fish around the bottle for the larger glitter and I did use the dab and place method a few times. This polish is beautiful over a crisp white base. The application of this polish was a little tricky, but removal is much easier than expected. Little Sister came off just as quickly as the other polishes and only needed a bit more force than I use with microglitter to remove the large glitter. I try to not play favorites, but this is my favorite. The end result is worth every second I spent looking for more glitter. This will definitely be a polish I use often.

Little Sister is named for a creepy main character from Bioshock 1 and 2. (Seriously, google her)

Our Lady Elizabeth

2 coats of Our Lady Elizabeth under 1 coat of Seche Vite

Our Lady Elizabeth is a gorgeous light blue glow in the dark polish with a slight shimmer. The color reminds me of the Crayola Crayon, Robin's Egg Blue. This polish applied and removed easily, as it went on evenly and smoothly. I was happy with how 2 coats looked but a third coat would make this look even better. 

I tried to capture the glow in the dark quality of the polish.

My picture does not do Our Lady Elizabeth justice, I'm sorry. This polish has a vivid blue glow in the dark. The microglitter in the shimmer in this polish gives the polish a neat speckled look when it is glowing. Our Lady Elizabeth is inspired by a character in Bioshock Infinite.

Comstock House

2 coats of Comstock house under 1 coat of Seche Vite

Comstock House is a gold metallic glow in the dark polish. It gives off a green glow in the dark. It doesn't glow as brightly as Our Lady Elizabeth but that is due to the use of different materials in the polishes. I used 2 coats for this polish, because in my opinion metallic polishes leave streaks. This polish is a little difficult to use for that reason. The formula of the polish is smooth and well done.

I'm sorry this is not a good picture of Comstock House in the dark. This polish glows green, but it isn't as bright, so it was difficult for me to photograph. This polish also has a bit of a speckled look while glowing. It may look better when a black light is used. 

Comstock House was inspired by a scene in Bioshock Infinite.

I had very few problems with the polishes and the few issues I did have were cleared up by the owner! Overall, these polishes are fantastic!

There you go, the entire Bioshock collection from Conjured Polish! These six beautiful polishes are set to be released on September 8, 2014!

You will be able to purchase them and her other beautiful polishes in her Etsy Shop! Conjured polish donates a $1 from each polish sold to the Wounded Warrior Project! Also, make sure to follow her Facebook page for all the latest news!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Quick post tonight featuring some puppy nails

The lovely lady behind the blog The Tailored Mama requested some dog manicures for her friend. I decided to try one to help her out. I'm not sure yet if she will be using this or not but it is still cute! It isn't perfect by any means (and is actually driving me crazy but it is after 2 a.m.) but it is the thought that counts right? :)
 I used several colors in this mani, including 2 untried polishes, OPI Anti-Bleak and China Glaze Custom Kicks. Other polishes used are Wet N WILD French White Cream, Zoya Dove, and Sally Hansen Black Out.
I have to admit though, I am more of a cat person! What about you, cats or dogs?
In sunlight
Inside lighting

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Emerald and Ash Wild Blue Yonder

1 coat of Wild Blue Yonder with 2 coats of Seche Vite in indirect sunlight

For today's mani I just had to use my Emerald and Ash polish Wild Blue Yonder! I took my inspiration from the polish's name and put it against a baby blue sky with white clouds. I purchased this polish about 2 months ago and just threw it on in the car trip to NYC. Throwing it over naked nails does not do this polish justice! The polish was inspired by the United States Air Force. This is close to my heart, as my dad was in the Air Force when I was younger.

This is one coat of Wild Blue Yonder over two coats of Sinful Colors Sugar Rush with Wet N Wild French White Creme clouds. I topped it off with 1 coat of Seche Vite. Wild Blue Yonder is a clear based polish with blue, white, and silver glitter and stars.This polish applies so well! Typically, I am fishing all around the bottle to get the glitter pieces I want, but I didn't have to do that aith this polish. I achieved the coverage I wanted with one coat. I only needed to use the dab and place method 2 or 3 times. My bottle is a little thicker than the average glitter, so a gradient is a bit difficult,  but it is perfect for all over glitter coverage. I will happily take the ease of use with this polish over gradient possibilities. The blue glitter is a little darker than in the picture and the silver sparkles a lot more in person. I can't get over how easy this polish is to apply. The only issue I have is that some times the points of the star glitter stick up off of my nails. This is such a minor issue, though, a coat of Gelous and a layer of top coat and it is nice and smooth. It might not even bother everyone. 

Overall, the formula of this polish is fantastic and it looks beautiful on your nails. You can find Wild Blue Yonder here at their online shop, it is on sale so you should pick it up! Like them on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for all the latest news!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

State of My Nails Address August 3, 2014

I originally was going to get my nails in tip top shape before I started this blog but then I thought, "Why wait?" Getting my nails in better shape and hopefully helping others could be a great ongoing blog post! As you can see, I have some problems with peeling and yellowing. The yellowing wasn't this bad until I used OPI Amazon Amazoff. Some of the remaining green is visible on my ring finger in this picture. I also have a really bad habit of chewing the skin around my nails. I stop myself when I catch myself doing it but it is really hard you guys! I do it so absentmindedly now, that I don't realize I'm doing it until I have already destroyed the skin. My cuticles are badly overgrown. I am trying to find a way to control them, so please tell me in the comments, what are your favorite ways to tame your cuticles? Anyone care to join me in this journey?

I'm thinking once a month I will do a State Of My Nails Address to share my progress on making my nails healthier. It will also be a great time for the readers to share any progress they have made!

OPI Amazon Amazoff

This a beautiful deep jungle green from the OPI Brazil Collection. This collection has been out for awhile now but I wanted to share my experience with this polish just in case anyone was thinking about purchasing it. I love this polish in the bottle, but unfortunately that is probably where it is going to stay. I used 2 coats over a coat of Orly Bonder. For one, I don't care for how the color looks with my pale skin tone. The color looks a shade darker on your actual nails than it does in the bottle. I could deal with the color variations but the real problem was when I tried to remove the polish. OPI Amazon Amazoff did not want to leave my nails. I wish I had thought to take a picture before I finally removed most of it. 24 hours later and some of this polish is still lingering on my nails. It is clinging to the underside and the sides of my nails. My nails had a slight green tint for several hours after removal as well. This polish is beautiful in the bottle and looks decent on my nails but it is not one I will reach for often. I do not recommend using it as all over color.

Dude, Intro! Let's get it out of the way!

Hey, if you're reading this, thank you! I've been toying with starting a blog for quite some time. The idea was forgotten during my pregnancy and the first 7 months of my baby girl's life, because you know, babies are a lot of work! 

I'm really not good at intros of any sort so I'll just talk about a few things. This blog will cover a few topics but will focus on nail polish and photography.

 I love polishing my nails and I want to share that love with everyone. I will be sharing my nail art and hopefully nail art tutorials if anyone is interested. I'm also on a mission to try all of my unused polishes but there are a lot of them so it is going to take awhile. You can follow that progress by finding @cantwait1214 on Instagram! My love of nail polish was really brought on by reddit. I wouldn't be where I am in terms of polish without all of those lovely ladies! 

I purchased my first DSLR in May, a Nikon D3200. I LOVE IT. It is my second baby. I'm on a mission to learn everything I can and I hope to share my progress here. My friend hooked me up and now I have a paid photography job on Tuesday, August 5th. I am so so very nervous. I have always wanted to be a photographer so I can't believe that it could actually happen! 

Some other topics that might show up are makeup, family, food, anything else I might find interesting enough. I'm trying to learn more about makeup and trying to use makeup more often. My current makeup knowledge is pathetic, I must admit! My family consists of my husband of 2 years and my 8 1/2 month old baby girl. You'll see a lot of them just in my photography posts. My baby is my number 1 model. : ) I don't care much for cooking (though I'll bake anytime!). I am trying to be more confident in the kitchen and cook more. My husband is ridiculously picky, he makes it hard to try new things. I recently made cheese and chicken stuffed shells successfully. Anyways, enough about me, tell me a fun fact about you!