Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dude, Intro! Let's get it out of the way!

Hey, if you're reading this, thank you! I've been toying with starting a blog for quite some time. The idea was forgotten during my pregnancy and the first 7 months of my baby girl's life, because you know, babies are a lot of work! 

I'm really not good at intros of any sort so I'll just talk about a few things. This blog will cover a few topics but will focus on nail polish and photography.

 I love polishing my nails and I want to share that love with everyone. I will be sharing my nail art and hopefully nail art tutorials if anyone is interested. I'm also on a mission to try all of my unused polishes but there are a lot of them so it is going to take awhile. You can follow that progress by finding @cantwait1214 on Instagram! My love of nail polish was really brought on by reddit. I wouldn't be where I am in terms of polish without all of those lovely ladies! 

I purchased my first DSLR in May, a Nikon D3200. I LOVE IT. It is my second baby. I'm on a mission to learn everything I can and I hope to share my progress here. My friend hooked me up and now I have a paid photography job on Tuesday, August 5th. I am so so very nervous. I have always wanted to be a photographer so I can't believe that it could actually happen! 

Some other topics that might show up are makeup, family, food, anything else I might find interesting enough. I'm trying to learn more about makeup and trying to use makeup more often. My current makeup knowledge is pathetic, I must admit! My family consists of my husband of 2 years and my 8 1/2 month old baby girl. You'll see a lot of them just in my photography posts. My baby is my number 1 model. : ) I don't care much for cooking (though I'll bake anytime!). I am trying to be more confident in the kitchen and cook more. My husband is ridiculously picky, he makes it hard to try new things. I recently made cheese and chicken stuffed shells successfully. Anyways, enough about me, tell me a fun fact about you! 

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