Sunday, August 10, 2014

Quick post tonight featuring some puppy nails

The lovely lady behind the blog The Tailored Mama requested some dog manicures for her friend. I decided to try one to help her out. I'm not sure yet if she will be using this or not but it is still cute! It isn't perfect by any means (and is actually driving me crazy but it is after 2 a.m.) but it is the thought that counts right? :)
 I used several colors in this mani, including 2 untried polishes, OPI Anti-Bleak and China Glaze Custom Kicks. Other polishes used are Wet N WILD French White Cream, Zoya Dove, and Sally Hansen Black Out.
I have to admit though, I am more of a cat person! What about you, cats or dogs?
In sunlight
Inside lighting

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